Medicaments Export creation
Our President, Mr Robert DULERY associates himself with 10 pharmacists from different african countries and create Medicaments Export.
Medicaments Export distributes a wide range of medicines for developing countries.

Médicaments Export launched MALOXINE, property of the belgian laboratory EXPHAR. MALOXINE presents an appropriate packaging and price:
1 blister contains 1 healing treatment with only one dose
(3 tablets in a blister, which is also the medication leaflet),
The price in a pharmacy is less than 0.75 euros.
This successful launch validates our concept for pharmaceutical specialties at social cost, affordable medicines for all. About forty new products will be created, with around 2 new ones each year.
Our inventions deeply respect the basis of our philosophy: The distribution of pharmaceutical specialties at social cost must remain our first job, with a high level of quality, appropriated packaging and a price that is affordable for all.
Arrival at 9 rue Gutenberg in Mérignac, in a 400 m2 thermo regulated warehouse. 13 products were stored inside. 5 employees worked toward the well functioning of Médicaments Export, complying with the standards of Good Distribution Practice. Médicaments Export obtained its Authorization as an official Wholesale Export Distributor, close to the AFSSAPS (Agence Française de Sécurité SAnitaire des Produits de Santé), Authorization Nr D12/70.

The company moved to 17 rue Rudolf Diesel in Mérignac, in a 1 000 m2 thermo regulated warehouse, within a bonded warehouse. In total, 32 products were stored inside. Our team got bigger with 10 employees.
Médicaments Export obtained, close to the ANSM (Agence Nationale de Sécurité du Médicament et des produits de santé), the renewal of its Authorization as a Wholesale Export Distributor (Nr MD 13/189).

Extension of our warehouse + 1 000 m2.
• Total area of the pharmaceutical implantation: 2100 m2, including a 1750m2 warehouse + 350 m2 of offices (head
• Secure and thermoregulated warehouse (15° C ≤ Temperature ≤ 25° C) for the storage and the preparation of customer orders.
• Maximum storage capacity: 1200 pallets.
Médicaments Export obtains close to the ANSM, the renewal of its certificate of GDP compliance as a wholesale distributor (Certificate Nr 2020/BPD/030)

Médicaments Export distributes about forty products products, around twenty countries.
100% of our turnover is made in Africa.

Our current best-sellers, produced by the CAPLIN/PHARMA PLUS laboratory.
Expansion of our distribution areas to Southern and East Africa (Ghana, Nigeria, etc.) and development of our product range.